What to look out for before booking with a minicab company in London

If you’re planning a trip to London, you should consider how you’ll get around. Whether you choose to walk, take public transport, or hire a cab, there are a few things you should keep in mind. The following blog post will provide you with the top things to consider when booking a minicab in London.

It is important to choose a licensed minicab company to ensure your safety and protection. A licensed minicab company must meet certain standards and requirements set by TFL, including driver qualifications and vehicle safety checks. Using an unlicensed minicab company puts you at risk of getting scammed or being in an accident. Minicab licenses are issued by Transport for London, a local government body responsible for most of the transportation system in London, United Kingdom. You can visit the TFL website, input some basic information about a company and the status of their licenses will show up. This will allow you to see if the company has a license from TFL or not.

Check out their online reviews to find out whether a minicab company is dependable. Reading the reviews that previous customers have given allows one to form an idea of the quality of services offered by a minicab company and ascertain whether customers have been pleased with these services. You can either find reviews by searching the company’s name on Google or Trustpilot, which is an online review platform where many companies submit reviews of their business.  Additionally, reading reviews on social media platforms like Twitter or Facebook can also be beneficial as customers often post their feedback and complaints on these platforms. Keep in mind that while reviews can be a great way to get a sense of a company’s reputation, they are not always reliable as some businesses may pay for fake positive reviews or post negative reviews about their competitors. Therefore, it’s essential to read multiple reviews from various sources to get a better understanding of the minicab company’s overall reputation

When you book a minicab in London, you are entrusting your safety to a stranger. It’s important to ensure that the driver you’re getting into the car with is trustworthy. One way to do this is to check if the driver is DBS (Disclosure and Barring Service) cleared and certified.
DBS is a government agency that performs background checks on individuals to determine if they have any criminal convictions or warnings. Taxi companies in London are required to ensure that their drivers are DBS-checked before allowing them to operate their vehicles.
By checking if the minicab company you’re planning to book with has DBS-cleared drivers, you’re ensuring that you’re getting into a car with a safe and reliable driver. This is particularly important if you’re traveling alone or at night. In summary, checking if the minicab company has DBS-cleared drivers is an important step in ensuring your safety when traveling around London. Don’t be afraid to ask the company for this information before you book your ride.

Overall, booking a minicab in London can be a convenient and efficient way to travel around the city. However, it’s essential to ensure that you book a reliable and licensed minicab company to avoid any unnecessary stress or problems. By checking the minicab company’s licensing, reading their reviews, and verifying the clearance and certification of their drivers, visitors can have peace of mind and enjoy a stress-free trip around London.

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